Monday, October 12, 2009

We're Breaking Up

....."What are you all doing? Come ON!! Pass the ball, but CaTCH it!! Ewww"

That's all I seemed to hear when it came to the Jaguar's game against the Seahawks. The overall game was just sad to be totally honest. They could have done so much better, well at least that's how I feel and a few of my close friends. Some of the guys in the room were claiming they were breaking up with the Jaguars till this Sunday's game because going through that was too much. Watching your team lose takes a lot out of a fan especially when they are a serious fan...that means one that watches the entire game no matter how bad their team is doing nor how bad their team is losing. They are fully dedicated to their team and it hurts them when their team loses.

I'm tired of hearing people claim that they are fans, but in all actually they either bet on the opposing team, turn to the game only when their team is winning, and/or when they talk trash about their team after the game. Even when your team loses you should mainly stick to the facts, don't drag the team down in the mud because that makes you look fake.

So please people just stick to your team through and through!!! Where are my true fans out there!!! :) As for the Jaguars lets just see what happens this upcomming Sunday against the St. Louis Rams!


Sports Chump said...

I'm a Bucs fan.

I had to read this twice.

I'll tell you if it sticks after we go 2-14.