Monday, June 22, 2009

Intense Enough

After watching the intensity of the Finals, somewhere along the line I begin to think....How often do these players work out to enable them to play at such high levels for majority of the game?
Kobe Bryant, for example has one of the most serious workout plans around and he calls it, the "666 Workout Plan". He works out 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, and training 6 months out of the year. It includes:

  • 2 hours of running
  • 2 hours of basketball
  • 1 hour of Cardio (boxing, jump rope, etc)
  • 1 hour of Weights
Now my workout is NOT going to be that extreme. Basketball is Kobe's career, so it makes sense for him to ensure that his body is at tip top shape. My own personal goals is to basically get back into shape. I grow a passion for working out while I played basketball back in high school. My workout may include:
  • 30 min of cardio
  • 30 min of abs
  • 30 min of weights
  • 10 min cool down
I'll keep you updated between sports hightlights on my progress. If you have any suggestions that seem to work pretty well, comment and send me a link or simply describe the move. Today in the gym I learned a new ab move called "Six - Pack Twist."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Point That Finger

People always say that "There is no "I" in Team." Yet everyone is quick to blame and single out a player when things are going wrong. It seems to be the most logical answer to why a team didn't score as much points or when a team loses a game. Rather than placing the blame on the team for having an off game or even just congratulating the other team for being better, people find it better to stack the chips on one person's shoulders.

I even find myself at times blaming a single player, even though I know that it was the team as a whole which lead to the lost. I don't really understand why it happens that way but its a trend that really needs to stop or at least make the other players own up to their mistakes as well. Some players get off easy because they aren't in the limelight very often, so when they miss a shot or miss a pass, its blown off. Yet when the MVP missing a single shot or has what we like to call "an off game", people are so upset. We place so much pressure on these people to carry their entire team to a victory, but its the team's victory not a single person's.

So when Dwight Howard, of the Orlando Magic, had an off game, many people tried to blame the lost on Howard. That surely can't be the case because there were 4 other players on the court that surely did their part to contribute to the team lost. Yes it is called a team lost, not a Howard lost. When you think about it, people are always blaming one person. I usually hear "Dang, Kobe lost that one or Wow, Howard really got us that game." That's why we have the MVP of the team, yet they can't do it all by themselves. They need their other teammates as well to help pull the team as a whole to the top.

If you find yourself blaming the lost on Dwight Howard, remember the team name isn't Howard and the Orlando Magic....the name is The Orlando Magic.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Game 5: Orlando Magic vs LA Lakers

As I sit down eating my wings and munch down on my fries along with an assorted amount of friends. I can't help but pray that the Magic pull through on this game. My mind still wonders back to Game 4 which was taken from the Magic by the Lakers. Actually I can't even say taken because it seems as though the Magic just gave that one away. There is a saying in our house "You can't miss anything that is Free when it comes to basketball." Yet the Magic missed free throw after free throw!
I'm hoping that game 5 will bring great things, but as I watch I can't help but wonder.....what is going on with my team. I see Lewis popping those three's of his and I see Howard trying to hold things down in the Paint, but is that going to be enough. I need the rest of the team to really get into it. Only time will tell.......